Use the map to find your way to Mavrolithari
HOTELS & ROOMS (List to be updated...)
Mavrolithari Hotel: Mavrolithari, Tel: 2265062410, Mob: 6944668034
Karaplis Inn: Mavrolithari, Tel: 2265062340, Mob: 6947569334
Cuckoo's Nest: Mavrolithari, Tel: 2265062274, Mob: 6946824437
Nypmhes-Alkyoni: Pira, nymfes_chalet, Mob: 6951315723
Vardousia Hotel: Ath. Diakos, Tel: 2265063148, Mob: 6946824437
A camping site is arranged at the entrance of Mavrolithari village, location "Stavros".
Reserve your seat by sending an email to syllogos.mavrolithariton@gmail.com with:
- Subject: «Camping reservation»
- Athlete's Name and Surname
- Number of tents, persons and car parking seats
And don't forget to bring you sleeping bug and a jacket: the weekend of 21 & 22 June will surely be cool at 1140m!